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Alaska Dog Mushing Truck: He Built It One Piece At A Time: Reality Check With Bearfoot Travel Guides

Nothing Is Ever Too Far Gone For An Alaskan 

"I got it one piece at a time and it didn't cost me a dime

You'll know it's me when I come through your town
I'm gonna ride around in style, I'm gonna drive everybody wild
'Cause I'll have the only one there is around..."                                                                Johnny Cash

Dog mushing truck in the Fred Meyer parking lot in Fairbanks.

A red left fender, blue door, and yellow back panel -- along with a stovepipe exhaust pipe -- adorns a dog musher's truck in the Fred Meyer store parking lot in Fairbanks. Alaska mushers carry their athletes around in the locked boxes. The dogs' heads stick out the holes. Mushers carry straw in each box to form a nest. That's a dogsled on top of the box.

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